Export multiple Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V Guests with PowerShell Part II


Expanding upon the basics demonstrated in Part I of this series, let’s now look at exporting multiple machines using a single PowerShell script. We’ll use the same director structure as outlined in Part I, but here we have a few additional challenges to overcome.

  • Selecting the Virtual Machines to export.
  • Ensuring that we only export one at a time to reduce the disk I/O and resulting disk fragmentation that will occur if simply try to export all of the machines at one time.
  • You want to export the machines while they’re in a running state.

The following PowerShell script will do the job admirably, but let’s take a look at a few key sections that make this possible.

First the assumptions:

  • HyperV Host is running Windows Server 2012 R2 as this will not work on Windows Server 2012.

Then the script:


Time Synchronization in Hyper-V


There is a lot of confusion about how time synchronization works in Hyper-V – so I wanted to take the time to sit down and write up all the details.

There are actually multiple problems that exist around keeping time inside of virtual machines – and Hyper-V tackles these problems in different ways.




RegDllView is a small utility that displays the list of all registered dll/ocx/exe files (COM registration). For each registered file, you can view the last date/time that it was registered, and the list of all registration entries (CLSID/ProgID).

RegDllView also allows you to unregister dll/ocx files that you don't need on your system anymore. If you have dll/ocx files that don't exist on your system anymore, but their registration entries are still exist in your Registry, you can manually remove these entries by using 'Delete All Entries For Selected Files' option.

Starting from version 1.35, RegDllView also allows you to register dll/ocx files (like regsvr32), simply by dragging one or more files from Explorer folder into the window of RegDllView.

Migrating to Hyper-V from Virtual Server or Virtual PC


These instructions seem to work well for migrating guest machines from Virtual PC or Virtual Server 2005 to Hyper-V. As noted some steps may not be necessary, but this is comprehensive should you run into issues – e.g. migrating from Virtual PC to Hyper-V is not supported and machines that originated from Windows XP or Virtual PC might not work without the undocumented/unsupported steps to replace the HAL with an ACPI HAL.

Browsing Mailbox Databases in Exchange 2007 and 2010



A reader asks whether it is possible to browse through mailbox databases to view the details and statistics of the mailboxes they host on Exchange Server 2007 and 2010. You might recall this was simple to achieve using the Exchange Server 2003 System Manager tools.

The nearest equivalent feature in the Exchange Management Console is using filters in the Recipient Configuration/Mailboxes section of the console.



Настройка Hyper-V Server 2012 R2



В связи с постоянно растущим интересом ИТ-специалистов к сфере серверной виртуализации в целом, так и решениям на базе ПО от Microsoft в частности, сегодня я начинаю цикл статей, посвященных замечательному продукту Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 R2. Хочу отметить, что все нижеизложенное основывается на реальном опыте использовании группы серверов Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 в production-среде. В данной статье я максимально подробно расскажу о первоначальной настройке среды Hyper-V Server 2012 R2. Кстати, Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 можно скачать с официального сайта Technet Microsoft.


Синхронизация времени на виртуальных машинах Hyper-V


Привет, столкнулся на работе с проблемкой. На виртуальных машинах рассинхронизировалось время, могло уехать на несколько часов за сутки. Причем виртуалки находятся на кластере Hyper-V Server, и кластер в собственном домене. Было принято решение настроить синхронизацию времени домена с внешнего источника времени.


HV Backup


The main goal of this project is to provide a very easy and powerful free tool to backup and restore Hyper-V virtual machines, in standalone and clustered (CSV) environments, overcoming all the limitations that a generic tool like Diskshadow provides.


Configure Hyper-V Server for Remote Management


netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Дистанционное управление рабочим столом" new enable=yes

Лицензирование Windows Server 2012


С выходом Windows Server 2012 Microsoft серьезно пересмотрела правила лицензирования, с учетом последних тенденций в отрасли. В частности, уделено самое пристальное внимание виртуальным средам, а также существенно изменена продуктовая линейка. Надо сказать, что это пошло только на пользу, схема стала намного проще и понятнее, сохранив при этом общие принципы лицензирования. Самое время познакомиться с предметом более подробно.
