Is there a way to downgrade Andrdoid System WebView?


Please find my steps to downgrade Webview here

Step1: Uninstall update for Android Webview

Step2: download an older version from the given link,

Step 3: adb connect IP-OF-device

Step 4: adb remount

Step 5: adb push android-system-webview.apk /system

Step 6: adb shell pm install -r -d /system/android-system-webview.apk


Android Image Gallery Using Kotlin Tutorial


Today I wanna show you how easy to build a simple Android Image Gallery using Kotlin and Glide library. Building an image gallery is one of a must step for beginner Android developers (also for experienced developers). There are so many similar tutorials like this one but most of them are confusing and hard to be understood. So I don’t wanna confuse you with so many steps building this kind of app, so I will just stick with a few steps just to get you to understand the basic concepts.

What the app will look like?
The app will look like this after you finish this tutorial:


Android Create Temp File In Cache Directory (Kotlin)


Create a file in cache directory

// create file in cache directory
val outputFile = File(context.cacheDir, "output.txt")

Create a file in cache directory including date & time in filename.

val timestamp ="yyyyMMdd-kkmmss"))
val outputFile = File(context.cacheDir, "output-${timestamp}.txt")

Create a temp file in cache directory.

val timestamp ="yyyyMMdd-kkmmss"))
val outputFile = File.createTempFile(timestamp, null, context.cacheDir);

You might want to delete output file if already exist and create the necessary directory before usage.

if (outputFile.exists()) {
else {

Write single large string output to file.

val input = "I am String"
val inputStream = ByteArrayInputStream(input.toByteArray(UTF_8))

val outputStream = FileOutputStream(outputFile)
// the following should work as well 
// val outputStream = outputFile.outputStream()

inputStream.use { input ->
    outputStream.use { output ->

Ashes & Roses preset for KLWP


Ashes & Roses preset for KLWP

Available on google play

Cheese! preset for KLWP


Cheese! preset for KLWP

Available on google play

FTS presets for KLWP


FTS presets for KLWP

Available on google play

RGB presets for KLWP


RGB presets for KLWP

Available on google play

Happy Halloween preset for KLWP


Happy Halloween preset for KLWP

Available on google play

Your Music preset for KLWP


Your Music preset for KLWP

Available on google play

Lunar Night preset for KLWP


Lunar Night preset for KLWP

Available on google play

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